Many desire to be confident in different areas of their life. It is important to first focus on the way you currently view confidence and what it means to you. Then, to observe the obstacles which prevent you from being confident. Most already know these two parts and others continue to exist in the haze of the pain – preventing them to think any further of ways change can be made.
To strive to be your best self is work done internally. Since this work is in constant development life is lived with the emotions of ups and downs. Therefore, this work must be grounded in order for confidence to be displayed within daily life. As I mentioned, grounded in the way that one has a firm grip of what the issues are and be willing to accept the changes needed to be made – it does not necessarily need to be fully resolved. To be confident one must first find ways to become happy within the path of struggles.
Confidence is about being comfortable in your own skin. If you have decided to do something and are hesitant and unconfident ask yourself questions. Why am I unconfident? Do I believe in what I am doing? Then, ask, am I really interested in this or am I doing it for reasons that do not serve a purpose for my heart or path?
Also, one must realize that confidence is not achievable if actions are lived through other’s expectations of you. With this last sentence said, it is important to eliminate the judgments you have of yourself and those you think that others have of you. Judgments bring out the insecurities. One of the biggest things that stops us from pursuing things are from our self-judgment. We never consider to look at this because the ego gets lazy and does not want to deal with things that preoccupy itself. It is easier to blame the exterior rather than to work on our own issues. So, ask yourself: Why do I judge myself? In how many areas do I actually judge myself? Where do these thoughts come from? Give yourself a chance and give another a chance because the situation may be that the other person you assume will be judging you is not, the way you think, at all. Try not to assume and judge yourself because the only blocks you are creating are the ones within. If you look further ahead there is only freedom to be you.
Once the courage to ask yourself these questions has been achieved go to another level. Ask yourself how can I forgive myself? How can I be loving with myself? Yes, forgive! Forgiveness is the root key to many stagnations in life.
Even when we think we lack confidence there is always confidence within us. Our judgments of ourselves stop us from letting confidence out which is hidden from within ourselves. So, choose to bring out your confidence. You are the one letting yourself hold back. Do not over think, because the past is in the past and the moment is on your side waiting for you to blossom.
From my heart to yours,
Vlora Bekteshi
Ask your heart; program your mind:
Do you tend to judge yourself harshly?
If so, what do you judge yourself about?
Are you willing to make changes to be more open with the situation?
Are you willing to forgive?
Let's chat! What's on your mind?