Art is valued from many different perspectives. Such as, creating art first from the love of different tools and media; then, the focus of the result of the art. Art is for everyone – for those who do not desire to become artists, those who are more curious and in awe by the tools and media, those struggling with meditation, trying to strengthen their intuition, and as a guide to understanding of feelings and emotions. Art puts into action any stagnation; it releases dormant emotional energy trapped in the mind and body – art heals.
Art is within everyone. Not every action has a need to be fuel by the notion of business or money driven. Also, the automatic ego which triggers a neglect of the desire to put imagination on paper due to the belief of lack of talent. These circumstances may surface when professions are categorized to specific labels, ways, and criteria. Notice, acknowledgement and appreciation open more destinations. There is no agenda here – just freedom of self. As a melody touches your heart allow your senses to open communication to yourself through art.
Small actions have a great deal of impact in our lives. Although, most times there is more neglect in life which result in a lack of action where attention needed to be – on the small things. On those moments that light up life, even moments that give a reminder to stand tall, and there are those moments between transitions. These are those in-between moments where stagnation happen when notice is not given to the self, attention is not given to the sadness, and acknowledgement fails to function. Cherish the in-between moments as these moments change the course of the future. Open your heart to communicating with you. Art opens doors when the mind or voice can not find the words to express. The space for opening communication with yourself holds dearly a priority which begins with notice, attention, and acknowledgment.
In addition, small actions are sometimes left unnoticed. Had there been put acknowledgement in such actions perhaps the mind would have experienced less turbulence. Though, at times, these actions may be noticed far later in the process after the action was taken. An important part of the process is that the specific moment which that action was taken deserves acknowledgement. What happens when more notice and attention is given to things? Practicing appreciation by acknowledging through art unlocks the doors of discovering new emotions. Through this appreciation, uncertainties that have been found questionable or difficult to achieved shall transform into a river of answers.
Art is for everyone and within everyone. Lack of actions and unnoticed actions tend to mirror resulting in the same negative result due to the exclusion of notice, acknowledgment and appreciation. This forms a closed entry way to communicating with your self. Art heals by opening communication with your self and reversing forgotten blockages. You are not alone. Acknowledge desires, embrace sadness, and appreciate the paint and experience on your hands!
A trail of words of the discovery of art that heals are to be found in this blog category titled, Art Heals. Keep reading to discover different ways of healing, communicating with self, meditating, learning to listen to your intuition or strengthening it through art in these blog posts and videos: “Media of Emotions”, “Meditation Through Art“, and “Heel, Hand, and Horizon”.
From my heart to yours,
Ask your heart; program your mind.
- Have you searched to discover new art media and tools?
- What are some new art tools that make you wonder how they are made or how they might feel on paper or canvas?
- You do not have to know what your want to achieve by making art – just express and create. Shifts in life happen in due course.
Let's chat! What's on your mind?