I picked up my six year old daughter, Saranda, from art camp today and she said to me, “Mommy, I started thanking God yesterday.”
I asked her, “What did you thank God for?”
She replied, “I thanked God for giving me birth.”
What is touching about this is to show how inspirational Saranda is! A little girl, who was diagnosed with a rare disease, takes medication every month, and has separated parents within the same year. The way that one can love life even when in pain. To be able to enjoy the all encompassing essence of life with unconditional love. A girl who sees that life is grand and love is greater than any happenings! That all negativity can be surpassed by believing in only the best.
Also need mention, is that it takes time and commitment, love and encouragement, acknowledgment and presence, and many more ways to provide for a child in order for him or her to have a fulfilling life. A child always asks for input and guidance, but not with words most of the time. Do not wait for them to communicate the way you want them. Be patient enough to be able to understand their call without the need of words. A child’s fulfilling life also consists of the actions and lesson a child receives. If inaccuracy is persistent in giving guidance to a child, they will feel neglected, a complete home will not be complete, and they will seek what they are missing until they have found it. At times, when growing up, if they do find the acknowledgment they may not realize they are receiving it. Whether it is even by ignoring them when they pull on your shoulder they will come to remember it subconsciously. Taking time to be there for your child is hard work, but it must be a priority. We all know this, but sometimes some encouragement is needed. I am here to say, good job! You are an awesome parent!
Life is how you choose it to look not the ways others, prior to your situation, have made it to look. The terms which you have come to growup with are changeable. Are you ready to make the change you are looking for or will you conform to the ways of others?
A lot can be learned and shown from her answer. An example of the tremendous amount of hope an individual is able to hold if only they believed in their capacity. So, don’t fear of who you are or who your circumstances have made you because your true essence will never go away. All you have to do is remember that you are love!
From my heart to yours,
Vlora Bekteshi
Ask your heart, program your mind:
Are you really ready to make a change?
Will you try to convince yourself of your worth?
What kind of impact can you make to yourself today?
Let's chat! What's on your mind?