When we encounter something awesome and out of this world a feeling changes our soul into a different understanding. It is as if tunneling through a whirlwind of feelings where you have to pass your bad emotions to actually understand the good experience you have just met. Some might want to resist that wonderful feeling, and not quite grasp the true intensity of it. There may be feelings of fear that stop, that mesmerizing gift of, love from happening. In this case, one puts there energy into their fears of past hurtful events – in a way, not allowing them to experience the full connection of the heart. When these mixed emotions arise, one thinks that they fear love and they are not ready. Fact is though, they do not fear the love which they crave but the feeling of fear is simultaneous and interferes with true happiness. Fear fights to stay in the same situation preventing the individual from exploring even better feelings of love. Every time we experience love it is different – no love is identical. The more intense the energy connection of love is, the more unprepared the body, mind, and soul will be. Will you give up on the incredible? I know I will never give up! When those intense negative and positive energies collide do not automatically assume that they must be separated. Do not fight the fear thinking it will go away which in turn creates the effect of neglecting the powerful positive feelings of love. Love is felt in your soul – do not be afraid of the pain in your soul. It is there to guide you to your destiny. What you are connected to is also the energy that you possess. That energy is letting you know to get to know yourself. To explore yourself in the knowing of the capacity of love you are able to reach.
When one experience suffering consistently there is a peak when reached that the individual while feeling pain also feels appreciation for life and happiness. That peak is where the good and bad of life harmonizes and connects like two magnets now facing the right way helping each other connect, bringing more power, and now a mission because that magnet which now has become one can be used to make a change. Pain and fear cannot stop love, and one is always ready for love no matter the circumstances.
From my heart to yours,
Vlora Bekteshi
Ask your heart, program your mind:
Are you in tune with your energy of love?
Are you ready for love?
All emotions work as one in order to create a single result.. Which result do you choose?
Are you still confused about how to answer these questions? Then, check back on my blog to read more in my next post or send me an e-mail at InspireMe@InspireMeLLC.me
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