You are the one who puts yourself into your own trickery; therefore, you are the only one who can untangle yourself. So, until you start accepting your truth and moving again, you keep avoiding it by staying in the hurtful past. Going on with your life is moving on, it is going with the flow. Flow is the truth of your feelings of the moment, not the ones of the past which are hurtful and you are living in your mind.
I have empowered myself by standing up to my truth, by expressing my feelings for me – not from the ways of another, and now I am the flow. I will not follow the state of someone else’s truth, it is not a state that I want to be in, but my own.
Love is a state of being, but love for oneself has to be greater to live in the now and your truth. When you do that you are living in your heart and the true love that you feel in yourself will show up, in your face, at the same frequency. There, both people will face each other in their certainty with whole acceptance. It is about saying no to that old way of loving, which distracts you from you, and saying yes to you – the new way of love!
Say to yourself: I love myself and I will not let myself be hurt by letting myself hurt me. When you have felt the strength to say no to the rejection expressed to you by the other person, who you have unconditional love for, is when you will discover the unconditional love for yourself. When you have done so, that is when loving yourself will turn into loving yourself unconditionally! In return, this will create a ping-pong effect enabling the return of the unconditional love that you feel for yourself from someone else.
I will love me powerful because I Am power!
From my heart to yours,
Vlora Bekteshi
Ask your heart, program your mind:
Do you compliment yourself?
Do you stop yourself from whining to start making a change?
Do you rend to trick yourself and in what ways?
Do you always blame the other person?
Are you still confused about how to answer these questions? Then, check back on my blog to read more in my next post or send me an e-mail at
Let's chat! What's on your mind?