What do u do when you have little to nothing – no electricity, family, and a place to keep food cold? You do not do anything; at least for a moment until you regain yourself from the trauma of nothingness! You find a nearby school or library to charge your phone, keep your sunglasses on to hide the horror story, start listening to music, and try not to bury yourself alive. Oh, and this is after the nervous breakdown; the one you recovered from quickly because there is no time to grieve – people depend on you. You thought you already went through your lowest time, but apparently there was more after that. The pain brings you closer to yourself and your own trust, because this hovering energy lets you know that this is the last time you will suffer. You have had enough. No matter how dark the times there is always hope when you trust in yourself and the process. Allow yourself to be the transformation – not the pain! What I speak of is not a theory, but a personal experience.
Though, how does one come to that? The transition between the moment of being within the bad situation and continuing to be in the bad situation, but this time, instead, your perception transforms during an instant moment. Thus, loving while suffering. It is that moment that you have found a new way of handling things, dealing with situations, less emotionally involved, and more aware of the realistic circumstances. It is the moment where your ego has been discovered completely and its manipulations caught so no future damage can be done. There you have the result of the transmutation, of the entrance, of the self-awakened conscious and the exit of the subconscious ego. Tears will transmute as do raindrops. When you look at the rain as a cleansing, and not a puddled mess, the petals of love will blossom your insides closer on its way to the fullest. This will happen once the ego is cornered by full instant awareness.
This transition is not instant, though. It requires numerous realizations and tests, which we subconsciously put in our way, in order to evolve to a greater awareness. There are ways of working on yourself to get a better performance and one that helps you align within divine timing. Some of these, not limited to, are:
– Question your own actions. Not what others have done to you, but how you have reacted and why you have reacted so. (Browse the collection to share my quote!)
– Allow yourself to experience the situation for what it is – not complaining about it over-and-over. Acceptance is key because it shows our openness to any situation. Allowing us to find solutions in ways that we have not thought of before. After all, we must be able to accept our own creation – whether good or bad. We tend to have the capability to manifest all which surrounds us.
– Try to observe the dilemmas that happen to you and the ways they come into your life. This requires being patient, and being able to be patient is a whole process in itself.
– Change will never happen if you do not allow yourself to change. The situation and the view of the situation will never reach a stage of change if the focus is solely on the issue rather than the point of view. As I write in my articles: Ask your heart; program your mind.
– Lessons need to be learned and passed in order to move on to the next phase of life. If those lessons are not learned they will be repeated until you come to learn them. Notice I did not use the word “mastered” these lessons. To master is to know at the timing before it happens – not allowing yourself even to begin worrying about it. This is possible, but it is a whole article of its own.
– For every bad situation try to find a new positive outlook towards it. Imagine a better, positive playback version in your mind.
– Believe in miracles. If you allow yourself to think outside of the box anything can happen. This may make your transformation instant; I am proof – it has happened to me. When you trust yourself to believe in yourself and all things possible, miracles happen.
To sum-up these points in one sentence, as we have heard and read many times, “Be the best version of you”. Yes, for you not for anyone else. If you must change your ways, first, you must do it for yourself. I am sure you want more details about the transition from loving to suffering, but the best example is to love while you suffer. Yes, is possible to do so. It takes a lot of hard inner-work, but totally worth it! Remember, you or the situation will change only the amount you allow it to.
These are some words of life lived. While listening to that music, with my heart in pain, I became the observer of my life. Not for the first time, but for the last time with pain. The moment where I loved that moment for what it was. Knowing that I was the creator of change, realizations, and acceptance. The moment when the negative and positive sides of the magnets stop fighting, and turning their backs on each other, instead turn around to face the acceptance that love and pain are intertwined. Though, this is not the first time I have experienced this, it shall be the last – I had passed the lesson of loving while suffering! It is amazing how much more beautify there is in that moment of pain when you are able to observe it with love. When able to do so suffering no longer exists!
From my heart to yours,
Vlora Bekteshi
Ask your heart, program your mind:
Have you practiced enough patience?
What else would you add to this list?
How accepting are you to the dilemmas that come into your life?
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